The club was formed in September 2010, and our website went live in March 2011

We are an Independent Social Motor Cycle Riding Club.

The club works like this....planned and known future rides/events and monthly breakfast meets are posted to the future events page.

We post some events on the Other Events Page for information only, so that members can attend if there is no club ride-out planned.

In addition we have a private Club Whattsapp Group where we also arrange various weekly ride-outs.

Our Clubhouse is based in Callosa De Segura, Alicante. Type Rawhiders Clubhouse into Google Maps for exact location.

The club is made up of, and run by, a board consisting of democratically elected officers including a founder member, in order to give our members the relevant enjoyment and benefits of club membership.

We do have an expected member behavioural mode within the club, see 1-9 below

1) Be Kind and Courteous
2) We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy and robust debates are natural, but kindness is also required.
3) No Hate Speech or Bullying
4) Bullying of any kind isn't allowed, and inappropriate or degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.
5) Give more than you take to the club. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren't allowed.
6) Respect Everyone's Privacy.
7) Being part of our club requires mutual trust. Authentic expressive discussions make clubs  great, but may also be sensitive and private. What's shared in the club should stay in the club, otherwise you risk bringing the club into dis-repute.
8) The foregoing also applies when you are using the clubs social media groups, like Whattsapp, Facebook etc.

9) If you are unsure about any expected behavioural aspect, please speak to a club officer.

10) Any alcohol must be taken in moderation, so lets all behave professionally and sensibly, and keep an eye on each other.

Additionally please check out all our expectations etc on the Become a Member web page.

It's also important to state that The Costa Blanca Rawhiders Motor Cycle Club (MG) are not supporters of any other motorbike clubs, be they MCs or MCCs, and by that we mean, whilst we are friendly with, and support other clubs by sometimes attending their open days, charity events, BBQ's etc, we are not an official support club to any club, and therefore, support club patches of any other clubs should not be worn on our club waistcoats. If you are in doubt about any of the foregoing, please contact a Club Officer who will endeavour to assist you.

We are also a fund raiser on behalf of local charities, and hold regular events in order to support them. In addition we are always grateful to receive Ad Hoc donations on their behalf via PayPal etc. Please contact us if you wish to make a charitable donation.