Whilst hopefully not being too patronising, in order to protect the club, we sadly sometimes have to state the obvious, especially in this Health & Safety dominated world we now live in, as it takes only one accident or incident to spoil things for the club and everybody else. So, all of the below is stated in terms of Due Diligence on our behalf and to protect you as well.

We accept members who can abide by the conditions and club culture, as stated on the (become a member page) and this page.

In addition, we expect members whilst on club business, ride-outs, events or functions etc, to behave in an appropriate manner, and never to bring the club into dis-repute.

We also expect ....

1) Club members on ride-outs, to ride roadworthy machines.

2) Have Current Insurance and Roadside Assistance, please carry the relevant documents to show to police if necessary.

3) Current ITV sticker, which must be attached to the bike.

4) If your bike is not on Spanish plates, then it must be currently legal in its country of origin. Carry the relevant documents as you will be asked if an accident occurs or you are stopped by the police.

5) Please dont even think of coming on a ride-out if you cannot adhere to the above!​

6) We also expect members on ride-outs, to abide by all local traffic regulations, and to ride safely at all times. If you are new to biking, returning to biking, or are uncertain or unsure of any aspect whilst on a ride-out, please speak to our Road Captain, who will provide the relevant advice, re-assurance, and assistance.

7) Costa Blanca Rawhiders (the Club and its Officers) accept no liability at any time, legal or otherwise, for the actions of its members. All members choose to participate and ride entirely at their own personal risk and responsibility, and are responsible for the results of all their own actions.

8) Please make sure that your next of kin details are up to date on the website, and we are also working on a member membership card which you should carry, containing said details.

In addition if you need extra guidance and information on riding/motoring matters and laws generally, please consult the guidance and advice on the Trafico Website www.n332.es and their N332-Facebook Page.


 Our GDPR Policy

Your privacy is important to us, and we want to communicate with club members in a responsible and professional manner which complies with the above mentioned regulations, and we need your consent as to how we contact you, and how we collect and process your personal data.

By becoming a club member or remaining a club member, you are consenting and agree to the holding and processing of your personal details for internal club use only.

How your data will be used.
Your data will be used for registering you as a club member on our systems, notifying you of news, events, activities and services of, and within the club, via telephone, email, whattsapp group and other social media platforms as used by the club. Its important to state that the news imparted on website and social platforms which are visible to the general public, will not contain any of your personal details... however by using these platforms, should you so wish, it is entirely your perogative as to what information, personal or otherwise, you decide to share.

Your data is not shared with other club members (except the Club Officers for processing purposes)  and is never shared externally with third parties.

You can consent to all of the above, none of the above or some of the above, however, depending on your consent preferences, you may be disadvantaged by not being notified of various club news and club events etc, and needless to say, you cannot become a club member unless you share a certain amount of data with us, eg name, telephone number and email address etc. You can withdraw or change levels of consent at any time by contacting the club data controller via email at [email protected]

Re Photographs ... please note that a photo or photos taken at Rawhiders Events, may at times appear in a newspaper or on Social Media. Additionally, photos taken by club members at events are posted on their own social media as well. Please be aware that its always possible that you may be in one of these photos. If you have a comment or concern about this, please speak to a Club Officer.

At any time you can request a copy of the data we hold on you, and this will be provided within 30 days.

Please note it is incumbent on you to read the foregoing carefully and to contact the club about any queries or concerns that you may have.

Intellectual Property Rights

CBR final image layer

This biker image, which is used on our club patch etc, is wholly owned, designed, made and published, by Del Swanson Artworks, from whom it has been licensed. For more great Del Swanson Artwork just click  below.

Del Swanson