We are a long standing social family orientated club with an outstanding reputation for our charity work and responsible community values. Consequently we expect a certain standard of behaviour from our members, both in terms of their general riding, their behavior and interaction within the club, and their behaviour within the local community. In short, we dont allow anything which may bring the club into dis-repute. While, overall, club members are extremely competent riders, respectful to everyone and proud to wear Club colours, there may be occasional incidents/behaviours, which the club needs to address. Examples of this could be the incessant use of unacceptable and offensive language, disrespect to fellow Club members, see examples on the About Us website page. Also non adherence to road traffic regulations is not allowed, and please note when leaving venues in groups, you are not allowed to flag down, wave down or stop other road traffic in order to allow a group to exit, also no dangerous stunts, unacceptable personal behaviour when out on rides etc. In particular, concerns about the safety, of an individual rider, the group they are riding with and other road users, are of paramount importance to the Club. Where a rider makes a mistake or misjudgement, when, for example, overtaking inappropriately, the Club does not take responsibility for those individual’s actions. However, as per our ethos above, all infractions will be dealt with as follows. In some circumstances, an issue may be resolved by an informal talk to an individual.
The following is the procedure that will be followed in the event of an individual Club member who is deemed to be unsafe, or whose behaviour is unacceptable to the ethos of the Club.
Before being accepted as a club member, the potential new member will be required to undergo an assessment to determine that they have the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to join and ride safely in a group. If the potential member is not deemed to be a safe rider, they will not be allowed to join the club.
A) If an existing Club member is identified as behaving or having behaved inappropriately, or is consistently riding dangerously, they will be asked to attend a meeting with normally 2 club officers, plus secretarial support, to record discussions. The issues of concern will be outlined to the member, who will be asked to respond. The member may also bring a witness/friend to morally support them, but the witness/friend will not be allowed to take part in the discussions.
B) In the event of inappropriate behaviour, or other incidents/factors as listed above, and after due investigation by the club, and the club having considered all the relevant facts, the club may decide that the member will be asked to leave the club, which will be confirmed in writing..
Additionally, depending on their deliberations, and if the individual accepts that their behaviour was wrong and they are repentful, the team may also consider it appropriate to issue a warning lasting for an appropriate amount of time (to be decided by the club) and the members behaviour will be monitored during this period. Any further transgressions during this period will result in the member being asked to leave the club forthwith, and this will be confirmed in writing.
Dismissal is instant for instances of GROSS MISCONDUCT
This list is not exhaustive, but such instances include ....
Violent behaviour of any kind toward other club members or members of the general public.
Theft from club members.
Damage to club property or property of other club members.
Being charged by the authorities of offences that may bring the club into disrepute, or displaying personal behaviour that may bring the club into disrepute.
Being intoxicated or becoming intoxicated at an event or a ride.
Club decision will be final and no appeal will be considered.
C) In the event of unsafe riding, the Club member will be asked to undergo
a period of assessment, support and training, on a one-to-one basis,
initially, with an appropriately qualified club member.
Depending on the issues involved, the member may be removed from access to Club rides
until improvement is determined. Should the individual refuse assessment/support/training, they may be asked to leave the Club. This will be confirmed in writing.
D) After undergoing the assessment/support/training and if it is deemed
appropriate for the rider to return to the full calendar of rides and events,
they will continue to be monitored and supported over a period of time to
ensure improvement. If improvement is not achieved, the member may be
asked to leave the Club. This will be confirmed in writing.
E) It is hoped that the processes outlined can be undertaken as quickly as possible but it must be accepted that due to commitments/availability of both the rider and Club Officers,
this may not always be the case. As previously stated in the Become a Member Section, ultimately and after due considerations, the Club's decision is final.
The Club will put 2 safe riding events on, each year. All Club members will
be expected to attend at least one each year.