Crossbones Alicante – Inaguracion, Doors open 12 Noon
Club House Opening Party
Advanced Notice for this Saturday Ride Out…
And warmer weather is forecast….. thankfully!
Saturday morning around 10-10.30 we will head from Rocky’s for a fun planned cross country ride out, down the coast, leading us onto La Manga strip
On arrival will be many clubs for a major Cosmopolitan MG bikers weekend event.
We will stay for an hour to meet and greet and refreshments….. then….
Head back to Torreveija for around 1.30 – 2pm to the opening of a brand new LOCAL clubhouse and to welcome a NEW club on our Table, “Cross Bones”.
I’m told they have a great live band playing and again, food and refreshments. It’s a proper inauguration party so plaque presentations are a must! 🥳🥳